Friday, June 14, 2013

Bed Time

  Life is going well for Greg and me.  We just found out that we can move in graduate housing in July instead of August because Greg has a prerequisite class he has to take in August.  Our new apartment looks so nice, and it has a washer and dryer and two bathrooms.  Heaven!! I'm excited because we won't have to move twice--Greg wants to move up early so that he can start working, but we can't move into graduate housing until a month before Greg actually starts class.  So I was naturally excited to learn we can move into our new home in July.  So our moving truck is coming on 25 June, and we will be off to Canada shortly thereafter.

But this post is really a tribute to my dad...just in time for father's day. 

Latest picture of my dad and me after my graduation. 
Looking back, my dad was great.  He took time to play ball, and went to our baseball/softball games. Sometimes he would turn up radio in the car, and we would jam to KISS, The Who, or Guns 'N' Roses. He, as many of you know, loves watching movies.  So my siblings and I would watch movies quite a bit with him.  Most of the time, he would end up falling asleep because of his crazy early work schedule, and we would tease he because he sounded a bit like Darth Vader.  But I always look back fondly at all the times when my dad would tuck my sister and me into bed at night.   When we were younger, we had cute little pet names like "pumpkin head" or "little pumpkin head".   My dad would say good night to my sister and me every night. I felt safe and secure, but most importantly, I felt loved.  

One night, I was afraid because the next day I had to go to the doctor's to get a wellness checkup.  I'll be honest; I despised shots as a child (and I still kind of do today).  I told my dad I was afraid that even though this was a checkup, I was afraid I would have to get a shot.  I asked if he could be there to hold my hand.  He said that he probably couldn't because he had work.  I then asked my dad if he would pray for me because I was so anxious and scared.  He was little surprised by my request (my dad isn't really religious), but he did, and I remember feeling so comforted from my dad and his prayer that night.  

Well, I went to the doctor's the next day, and I'll be damned, I had to get a Tetanus shot.  The worst part was that my little sister was A-okay, but I was thirteen and in the corner of the doctor's office having major anxiety. (You can tease me all you want, but last time I was at the doctor's before this particular doctor's visit I almost threw up because of the sight of blood....They were checking my iron levels.) Anyway, after a few moments of being so scared to get a stupid shot, my dad made it just in time to the doctor's appointment.  The best part, of course, was when he held my hand.

My dad is sweet; later on in my life, I lived with my mom in North Carolina, and my dad would call once a week in the evenings to talk with my sister and me.  At the end of every conversation, he would add, "Good night.  I love you, pumpkin pie!  Sweet dreams."  

I love you, too, dad!