Monday, June 9, 2014

The Night We Met

   I have been married for a little for almost five years, and I, like many of people out there, still get the question "how did you meet?".  I try to give a simple version which is we met through a mutual friend, so that I can avoid all strange looks and embarrassment since this story is embarrassing for me.  But I like that I have a memorable story, and that Greg and I can laugh at it still.  Now the question I have for you is who made the first move?  Greg or me?
Part 1: Feeling Lonely
   In late October 2008, I went on a date on a Friday night that was a bit disappointing, and I went home relieved that the date was over.  I felt like I needed to do something to help me kind of forget it because it was slightly awkward (something that ironically never happened). Fortunately, my friend, Chris, called me right after my date dropped me off.  He asked whether or not I wanted to come over to his new condo to watch a movie even though it was like 11 p.m. at the time. I jumped on the opportunity to have some fun with my friend who I knew from North Carolina.  Chris came over to pick me up because I didn't have a car, and I met him at my door, and saw someone else right behind him. I thought to myself, "Who is this nerdy, short guy?" Now, Chris is 6'7", so anyone standing next to him looks quite little (Greg isn't short; he's about average height 5'11"). So, Greg and I hurriedly introduced ourselves, and Chris drove me to his house, and Greg followed us.
When we got to Chris' place, he formally introduced me to his friend, Greg, who was wearing a black sweatshirt with "Now accepting applications for a girl friend" in Japanese at the time, told me that he was studying Japanese at BYU, and that he was from California.  We talked a bit more, Chris showed off his new California king-sized bed, and then decided to watch the movie "Happy Gilmore" together.

Part 2: The Couch
   Chris had a few new pieces of furniture at the time for his new condo.  One of which was a couch, but the downfall was is that the three-cushioned couch only had two recliner chairs.  On this night, I ended up getting the middle seat that didn't have a recliner. So partway through the movie, Chris realized that both he and Greg have a recliner for their feet, and I didn't. He then asked if I wanted to switch places with either him or Greg so I could have a recliner. I replied playfully, "No, it's okay; I get to sit in between two good-looking guys," and then I preceded to put my arms around both of them.   I think I removed my arms soon thereafter (Greg says otherwise, but I'm not sure what happened at this point), but for some reason Greg decided it would be fun to cuddle with me, and pulled me closer to him. My initial reaction was thinking what is he doing ?  I hardly know him!  How awkward!! But I didn't want to make things weird by yelling at Chris's friend to get away from me... and I think I was bit vulnerable because of my awkward date.  At one point, I looked over at Chris, and he was curled up by himself, sitting as far away as he could from us cuddle bugs.  After the movie, Chris, after watching other people who just barely met cuddle on his new couch, asked Greg to take me home. Greg happily took me home with him.

Part 3: My Doorstep
   At this time, it was really late--like 3 a.m.-- as Greg drove me home.  I was exhausted at this point.  However, I recall that he talked about his family on the way home. Greg recalls me being unable to give him directions to my apartment, which I have to say is a lie. I know my directions were correct. (How could he forget where I lived?  He met me at my apartment earlier!)  I remember thinking he was just driving all around town on his own accord.  Greg was a gentleman that evening; he walked me to my door when he dropped me off. He asked me if I was interested in going over to his apartment on Sunday for a "Nightmare Before Christmas" sing-along with his roommates.  I thought it would be fun, so I said yes.  We then exchanged phone numbers for our upcoming date.  As we were about to part, Greg moved in closer to give me a hug (ya know, since we cuddled and all he thinks he can get away with this), which at the time I thought he was trying to give me a kiss--a terrible signal to mix up!! So we KISSED! Afterwards, Greg said, "Well... that was awesome," and then left.  I was kind of surprised by his comment, and I felt strange because I let him kiss me...

Part 4: After Thoughts
    I went inside my apartment mortified because he kissed me. My roommate woke up when I went to bed, and we talked about what happened that night. I told her that I wasn't sure I wanted to see this guy ever again because he kissed me and cuddled with me. She then told me that I didn't have to, but I still owed her candy because Greg and I kissed (one of those strange BYU traditions).  Greg went home with ice cream because he kissed me (this tradition varies from apartment to apartment), and then told his roommates, "I don't know what it is about this face, but I just got face-raped today."
   I am not sure why I gave Greg a second chance after he kissed me, but I think it was more of curiosity.  Greg was an interesting guy, despite the fact that he kissed me on the first night we met.  But it wasn't until a couple of months later that I actually realized that it was me who initiated this kiss.  Greg said, "Yeah, it was you initiated the kiss, AND not only that you pushed me up against the wall.  "Oh... really?"  I remember calling Chris the day after Greg and I first met and telling him, "Your friend kissed me.  I don't know what he was thinking, but he's really forward, and I'm not really sure what to do in this situation."  Chris then called and talked with Greg, and Greg defended himself by saying, "I don't know what she's talking about because she kissed me first!  I would have fallen down if there wasn't a wall behind me!"

So, I guess Greg really was giving me a second chance...

So there you have it: the story of how Greg and I met.  I'm so glad I did meet him because he is a wonderful guy.  We still disagree about who made the first move-- I still think Greg did it.