Monday, August 31, 2015

12-week old baby

Hahaha... so originally I was going to write this post about Tycho when he was ten-weeks old. Hahaha life.

   I love my baby. Although, I recently realized that I would rather deal with dirty diapers then trying to calm him down all the time. Not that he's cranky all the time, but trying to persuade someone to be happy is HARD. Bad? I know. I just find it hard to keep putting out fires all the time. I've been reading in the Old Testament lately, and I've learned that even Moses had to delegate and receive help while interacting with the Israelites. God supports Moses, and gives him guidance in his approach to dealing with the Israelites. For instance, Aaron helps out as well as seventy elders. God also helps me and gives me guidance. I'm also positive that God doesn't want us to be alone in raising kids. So, we have family support. I'm pretty sure I'd go insane if I were single. Not that Tycho is super difficult, but I get tired or cranky because I essentially spend all of my time taking care of this little fellow. I need a little break here and there. I won't deny that the few moments I have for myself are lovely. Moses, I have found your patience, example of prayer, and delegation of duties to be reassuring in motherhood. Also, Daddy is amazing at putting out the fires, and "doing all the things".

Okay about Tycho.

   Okay, I find it frustrating when people ask if he sleeps through the night. Yes, he does. When I get him to bed (the last few week  forever days have been hard since he's had a cold and has been cranky at night) he sleeps all night. No crying, no fussing...just kidding. Although, sometimes, he gets upset because of gas. He eats every two to three hours. I'm not getting as much sleep like some moms who breastfeed because I can't stay semi-asleep while fedding Tycho and I don't breastfeed in bed because we aren't good at laying on our sides and eating. I usually sit in my glider rocker, and feed him. I go to bed at the same time as Tycho so I attempt to get adequate sleep, too (he usually sleeps for 10 hours or so at night).  

   Tycho loves his changing table-- he always has. He loves getting his diaper changed and getting dressed. He smiles so much on that table.
   I'm not sure if Tycho likes taking baths or not because he doesn't smile really, but I think that has to do with the time of day--too tired to smile in the evening. I'm pretty sure he tolerates it. He also pees every single time he takes a bath. Crazy kid.
   He loves a blanket. He doesn't have a favorite, but if you throw a blanket on him, he smiles, grabs a hold of that blanket,  and goes crazy kicking up a storm. (I need to get a video if this 'cause it's so stinkin' cute.)
   Tycho actually enjoys going out in his stroller. He usually falls asleep despite the fact that the stroller isn't a smooth ride. He doesn't mind the car seat.
   He started to wear 3-6 month sized clothes around 7 weeks of age. (He weighed about 13 pounds at the time, too.) Since Tycho was circumcised and then got a cold promptly, and we still begging for a family doctor, we weighed him using our neighbor's scale a week or so ago. He weighs more than 14 lbs. I was surprised he didn't weigh more, but having had a cold, I think that slowed things down? I still changed the same amount of diapers. He recently had a feeding frenxy/growth spurt, so he has gotten kind of chubby again which makes me happy.
   Tycho has different cries now which makes me happy because loud, piercing cry isn't on the menu all the time. He also talks and coos especially when he is lying down on his back. When I sing the song "the wheels on the bus" to calm him down (since that sometimes works), he will atempt to do a duet with me--also something that needs to be recorded. We sometimes call him Mr. Smiles-a-lot, Tiger, or Mr. Toots a lot...
   Tycho rarely spits up, but when he does, I'm never prepared. Instead he drools a lot. And starts making bubbles and foams at the mouth or sucks on his hands when he's hungry. He doesn't like a soother, and after a week of attempting to introduce it-- I really didn't want to introduce it anyway--I gave up. I'm glad I don't have to worry about them 'cause they are kind of gross in my opinion. And he looked ridiculous with a soother in his mouth. Some babies can pull it off, but not Tycho.
  Anyway, I think that's all I have to say. I will share some pictures, though.

matching socks! I know moms like to share making toe nail polish, but I have a son. I like this so much.
Tycho waking up daddy. 

had to document Tycho's super long nap...this hardly ever happens

Playing. He can grasp the objects now. I think he likes his mat.