Sunday, February 19, 2017

pregnancy #2, week 20 something

  I realized I haven't documented this pregnancy at all on here.  Possibly, I have been distracted by a toddler who won't let me type for long on a computer without commandeering it for himself.  I've also found myself reading quite a bit because I want to enjoy that time while I can.

   We found out that we were pregnant on Thanksgiving (Canadian Thanksgiving), and the news was quite exciting.  Greg, however, wanted to keep things quiet until we saw our family in December.  That was SO hard for me to do!  I'm not sure why people want to keep things quiet during the first trimester.  I feel my worst during that time, and talking to someone about it makes you feel a little better.  We had our first appointment with our midwife on American Thanksgiving, which was quite cool.  So this baby is truly our Thanksgiving baby...not that we aren't thankful for Tycho.

  We found out last Wednesday that we're having a boy.  I thought for sure we were having a girl based on the horrible, horrible morning sickness I had.  (The highlights of said morning sickness are throwing up during stake conference and getting to leave early--Greg was SO happy to leave, and at 14 weeks, I got sick in a parking lot right after doing blood work). Although, I did read that drinking cold water only makes your tummy more upset.  And during the period of morning sickness I could only drink cold, cold water, however, and I think that may have been a contributing factor.  Who knows?  I am excited for another boy.  I have pretty much all the clothes and such for him, but also, I grew up with a sister, and my husband had all brothers.  I like the idea of having same-gendered siblings for kids.  (Although, if we have another, I hope for a girl.)  

   I've been feeling this baby kick up a storm lately, and it warms my heart.  I think I first felt him move right around Christmas.  That was exciting for me.  I've only started to notice the kicking on the outside of the tummy lately, and I find it difficult to determine when he'll be moving so that Tycho or Greg can feel the baby, too.  

  I remember when I was pregnant with Tycho I did not want citrus at all.  I had almost an entire box of clementines that I ended up giving away because they didn't suit me. This pregnancy, I've been down with moderation, of course.  I've craved is peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with a glass of milk lately as well as cereal and biscuits and gravy.  My guess is I need the calcium.  I'm just not big on drinking milk by itself.

 The one thing I've been trying to work on is working out.  This is so hard to do right around this time of year in Canada!  I was quite happy with the fact that I didn't gain weight during the first trimester, but this trimester got me, and I feel the need to move my body.  I feel so big already!  Where did this belly come from?!  

  The only downside to this pregnancy is finding out the day following the ultrasound is that we need to go see a specialist because the ultrasound suggested that there's a possible problem with baby's heart.  Yay for advanced medicine, but boo to uncertainty and waiting.  This appointment was a possibility last week, and then they did schedule it for more than a month from now.  Who does that to a pregnant woman?!  The anxiety for this appointment was high initially, but it's gradually decreased. (Doesn't mean that I don't have strong words them for keeping me waiting.)  They scheduled the appointment so far away because (1) not life-threatening--which is good, but still frustrating to have to wait, and (2) to possibly see the heart a bit better when they have a look at the baby in a month.  My one consolation is that Tycho will be teething quite a bit for the next little while. One cuspid on one side won't stand alone for long, right?  So you know, I get to deal with his pain, and not think about this appointment.  

  So anyway, that's what's going on thus far in this pregnancy.  I'll update on what's happening to baby next month.