Monday, July 9, 2018

On getting rid of things

Greg says I should be more sentimental.  I got rid of our Rock Band 2 instruments and game, and I think he's a bit unhappy about it.  Because of the original Rock Band, Greg and I ended up meeting long ago.   And I know he got rid of that one long ago.  I remember going with Greg to get Rock Band 2.  So there.  Without Rock Band, it may have taken us longer to meet. ... To be honest, I was kind of glad to get rid of those things.  We had a good time playing the game, but in the last five years we hadn't used them. And they were cluttering up the laundry room.  Tycho basically played with them--he'd always pull out the guitars and make me play one of them.  Then he'd play the drums, too. That was cute, but since we didn't actually play the game, I wanted to get them out. So I got rid of them.   

If you are wondering, I got rid of a china hutch that I really liked among other things, so I'm not just getting rid of Greg's things.  That was hard, but I actually like the space I have now (I'll enjoy it for a couple of weeks!), and it makes me realize that as pretty as china is, I'm kind of thinking I should get rid of that, too?  I just never used it!  I always wanted to, but to be honest, in the five years we've been here, I've just kept that china in the hutch.  Maybe if I didn't have to wash every single dish by hand I'd be more inclined to use china?  And maybe if I didn't have little ones to worry about, I'd also think about using china more often. 

 By the way, I am sentimental!  I've kept little things that have meant so much to me.  Usually notes because they are small. So I have a whole stack of notes and letters and ticket stubs and such that I have collected over the years and I look back and think of the memories that I share with the giver of the notes and the ticket stubs.

I love moving because it forces you to look at your things and declutter.  However, getting rid of the things that you bought is really hard.  I mean, you spent money on the object (usually) and they were supposed to bring you happiness--and usually they do. I've kind of liked this minimalism movement because I'm enjoying the idea of just keeping things that bring you happiness, and it's made me more conscious of buying things that'll bring happiness instead of just junk.

What's the hardest thing you've had to get rid of?