Friday, June 24, 2016

I'm at my limit...with boundaries for this kid

Lately, I have found myself struggling with keeping my certain boundaries intact with Tycho. I find myself saying, "No, no, no!" in various forms all day, and some days I find myself tired and become casual or relaxed with some of these boundaries. Get stuff out of the cupboard? Sure... go ahead. Let me help you find something. Play with the toilet...well, if he isn't putting his hands inside of the toilet... just kidding.
So I ask myself two questions when it comes to Tycho playing with stuff. Is it dangerous/nasty? And on a scale of 1 to 10, how much does it bother me? If it's a 6 or higher, I tend to stop him.

For instance: toilet. Nasty. Bothersome --8. Remove troublesome child away from toilet before he attempts to flush it while I'm using it.

Dial that changes temperature on hot water heater. Taped in place. Dangerous. 10. (Why is it located in a place that kids can touch it easily??)

Pulling my books off of shelf. Not dangerous but a 9 on bothersome scale.

Pulling dishes out of cupboard. Annoyance level depends on how many dishes I have had to wash lately.

Okay maybe I go to far to ask silly questions, but do other moms get tired of saying no? What do you do? Redirect. Explain annoyance or danger?

Greg is much more rigid than I am. No touching the trash can, for instance, whereas I stop him once he sticks his hands in the trash can. I don't want to be off limits, per say, but I do want him to understand that garbage goes in the trash, not his hands. Because I believe he imitates what I am doing...sometimes. (hey he threw his own diaper away the other day...and then pulled it back out of the trash along with other trash...Progress, guys!)

Anyway, what works for you guys and how long does this get- into-everything-including-toilet-phase last for? Also, I know I shouldn't laugh or smile at Tycho as he walks away from his attempts at causing trouble, grinning--'cause he knows he's been caught--but he's so darn cute.

I'm in trouble.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

I miss you still

My grandfather died a year ago today. Shortly after I learned I was pregnant, I learned my grandfather had stomach cancer. The timing was not the greatest, your might say. Each time I called, I would share news of my pregnancy while I would hear news of my grandfather's illness.  But life became more meaningful with death ever present. Tycho arrived five days after my grandfather died. It was a joyous time as well a mournful time. I couldn't share Tycho with him, but I know we all rejoiced with new, beautiful life.

I know he was still hanging on--waiting for his unborn great-grandson to be born. He inquired when I spoke to him. A part of me wishes he could have met him here on earth while a part feels like he must have had the chance to meet Tycho in Heaven before Tycho was born.

I miss his strong hands and his twinkling blue eyes. I miss his cheerful manner in which he would answer the phone when I called. Even though he was a quiet man, he could always make me laugh with one of his mischievous grins. He always asked me to talk to him with "what do you know today, Sue-Sue?" I will always remember his candy stash of black licorice or good 'n  plenty in the desk downstairs and his endless number of decks of playing cards he had on the counter in the kitchen. I'll remember his quiet presence in the kitchen with his two little dogs nearby ready to go with their master. I'll remember him taking care of his cows, and helping him feed the calves. I am so grateful I got to spend so much time with him as a child. He was so good to his family and was always there when we needed him--patiently waiting to be there for us.

I love you much, grandpa.