Saturday, September 3, 2016

New food rules

I just finished reading the book, "French Kids Eat Everything", and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was inspired by the idea of eating good food for pleasure and making eating a social event.

I've decided to change some things around my house and adapt some of the rules from this book.

1. No grazing. Make a habit of eating real food At The Table! I have found that I have been eating more junk foods and not paying attention to when I'm actually hungry. I'm thrilled to toss out the baby snack foods I bought for Tycho-- and find myself eating, too. No more cheerios. No goldfish crackers. Nada. I'm excited to not carry food with me "just jn case" when I go out for errands. Yes, Tycho will have a snack (and I probably will, too), but it'll be real food and eaten because I'm hungry. It'll also save on the food budget. Double win.

2. Eat food slowly. I've always been a fast eater. I don't know why, but it's like a food eating contest or something. I want to intentionally slow down and enjoy the food and conversation. I've been trying this lately, and I have noticed I'm fuller a lot sooner.  Awesome for weight loss!

3. Eat a wider variety of food. I've noticed for a LONG time I've been buying the same foods over and over. So boring. I'm excited to switch things up a little maybe once every couple of weeks. I'm okay making similar meals because I know the recipes, and that helps make cooking faster especially since I am working that'll be easier. Anyway, I'm excited to incorporate leeks, radishes, beets, but not okra, but I'm trying it anyway!

4. Teach Tycho to eat food, not play with it. I'm so tired of his messy his chair! As well as the messy floor around the table! Ugh.

Here's to new and better eating habits!  

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