Sunday, June 17, 2018

Potty Training: Day 0

Dear Universe,

Tomorrow morning, I get to have the pleasure of potty training Tycho.  I don't look forward to this important lesson despite it meaning more independence, no stinky diapers, etc. I DON'T WANT TO POTTY TRAIN!  They say teething is hard, but this is worse.  I'm already stressed over minimal expectations for potty training.  More importantly, Tycho also doesn't want to do it.  So why are we doing it when Greg is getting ready for trip #1 to Brazil, we are trying to pack up our things to move, and neither of us want to do it?  Because getting Tycho to do new things takes so much preparation since he despises change.  I figure have a 'try-out' while we are here in a familiar setting and then do the real deal when I am not stressed over moving, etc. when we get to our new house.  Is that dumb?  I guess so.

I have zero expectations for this transition because underwear has not excited him.  The toilet seat, which he picked out, does not excite him.  And bribes *barely* work.  I bribed Tycho two times today with an M&M to just SIT on the toilet seat and try it out, and we had all the tears on both occasions.  I don't even like the idea of bribing him for something civilized people have been doing for a while.  It's ridiculous.  (Okay, you say rewards, I say bribing.  Also, welcome to the world of emotional eating, my dear child.)

Alright, well thanks for listening to me rant about being a parent.  I guess I have to go through this since I keep talking about it with Tycho.

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