Monday, July 15, 2013

Oh Canada!

    Anyway, so this blog post will just be an update on our travels and new adventure in Canada.  It took us four days of driving, but we stayed in South Bend for a couple of days with some really amazing friends because we couldn't move in to our place until 1 July.  Crossing the border was kind of a pain because of all the traffic (A lot of Canadians went to the States to enjoy their long holiday weekend.  Oh the irony.  It's Canada day, but I'd rather go to the states to celebrate!), but we arrived in Waterloo just as the fireworks were finishing up.  Thus far, we've liked the area.  Waterloo is so green, beautiful, and humid!  I didn't realize how humid it would be--the weather is not like living in D.C. again where it was hot and humid, but it is still stuffy outside.  We ended up buying a nice A/C window unit because our house doesn't keep very cool.  Since we've been here we've had nice rainy weather on several occasions, but it still gets to be about 85 degrees Fahrenheit (thank heavens!).  

I really wanted to share what our new place is like.  Sometimes, I think it's like a beautiful hotel that I have to clean up myself, and then sometimes I remember that we are going to be living here for a while, and that it's ours for now! I love our new house; it's spacious and comfortable.  However, I am having a difficult time decorating and utilizing all of the new space (except the kitchen cupboards have been filled out nicely!), so the following pictures won't do justice to new home.  I'll probably take pictures of this place again before we move out so that I can remember how nice it was staying here. 

This is the foyer.  Ahead is our living room and to the left is our basement.

Kitchen!  I love the counter space. C:

I love that I have windows over the kitchen sink!  (The bear on the left says "Suzy's room".  I got that when I was baby, and now I put it in the kitchen as a half joke, but really the kitchen is MINE!)

I laughed that they made this weird island of mini-drawers in the kitchen.  The only thing I do not really like.

Our living room is small, but at least I have a place for my rocking chair!
Our cute little patio.  

Basement!  I thought it would be great to turn this into a library/study area, but it is also Greg's 'man cave.'
Greg 'studying' Star Craft 2--it was a Saturday!

Our laundry room!  This part of the basement is strangely unfinished, but that's okay; I still love it.

Our bedroom.   
Creeper view from our bedroom....the blinds are not very co-operative. 

Upstairs bathroom sans yucky cabinet like Provo apt. C:

Second bedroom.  Yes, we have still have unpacked boxes.

     Honestly, I hope you liked the little walk through of our house sans decorations and beautiful furniture.  Our house looks nice and it is pretty much perfect.  My favorite part is that I get to share it with Greg.  While I was taking all of these pictures Greg came up to me and said, "Are you thinking about how this will be the first home we'll get to raise our kids in while you are taking all of these pictures?"  My heart melted inside with these sweet, sweet words.  My husband is an adorable, smart, handsome man. 

   (And no-- we are not expecting...)  


  1. Hahaha, the creeper photo of the playground has got to be my favorite!

    Wow, so much SPACE!! You guys are really living the life!

  2. I have to say it is fortunate that there weren't kids outside playing at the time I took the photo or else I would have really felt like a creeper!

  3. You should move Greg's PC down to the basement where it belongs.
