Thursday, April 14, 2016

10 months

I've been bad about keeping this blog updated. Sorry! But I'll share some cute pictures and joyful facts about a sweet boy to make up for this blunder.

I recently put away his activity mat and his exersaucer for good. That was hard to do. I have loved seeing him grow and change, but it's been so hard to realize he isn't my tiny baby any more.

This boy weighed 9.4 kg or 20 lbs, 6 oz at his doctor's appointment in late March. He has a big head; he's only in the 50% for weight, but 98% in head circumference. He's 75 cm tall. (So about time for a new carseat. We got this three-in-one type that looks like a miniature throne and costs an arm and a leg.)

This kid is pretty content. Although he doesn't necessarily like to be left alone, so now that he crawls, he crawls after me. So cute! He started crawling at 9 1/2 month. It was kind of weak sauce though with a bum scoot and a crawl combination, but now he's got crawling down. He has also been cruising. He can pull himself up well, and had been doing that for a couple of months and he likes following me around the kitchen now. 

The hard part about him crawling is when he crawls away midway through a diaper change. Fortunately, I had the foresight to put a blanket down so when he has a dirty bum, I don't have to worry about the carpet.

He's started saying "mama" and "dada" among his other key phrases like "aboo" or "ahgah". He's also started clicking his tongue a lot and laughing. His giggles have been music to my ears. We just laugh and laugh sometimes.

He has four teeth now, but he should have a couple more up on top shortly. 

He likes to play with books and turn the pages. He's been after my books lately, too. Although, we have to keep an eye on this paper eater...

He has soft little curls on the back of his head that I love. He's so cute!        

The things he'll eat! He sat right down on the playground and started eating wood bark. Onion peels, food he threw off his trayonto the floor, his daddy's shoe are thinges he put in his mouth.  So gross! You'd think we didn't feed him!

Anyway, here are pictures of my cutie pie. I love him so much.


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