Wednesday, April 13, 2016

A few things about me

Initially, I wanted to share this at or around my birthday, but I kind of forgot and stopped blogging for a while. I got interested in reading instead.

I skip to the end of books quite often even though it drives Greg crazy. (I'm so glad I did that in the last book of the sword of truth series. are just as wordy than Ayn Rand.) But as a fellow skipper said, you can focus on the journey once you know the end.

I wanted to be a soprano when I first joined choir. I was so disappointed in learning that I'm an alto.  Prima donna...yes, I know. Don't worry, I'm fine with my voice now and with being an alto.

I don't enjoy telling people where I'm from or telling them my family story 'cause it's too complicated and I like details. In short: divorced parents, military, lots of step-siblings, and I lived all over the U.S.

I love rolling down hills. I haven't done it in a while on account of pregnancy/taking care of a baby and not finding a decent hill without goose poop.

I don't know what to consider myself: night owl or early bird, but something in between fits me best, I believe. Okay I feel more accomplished when I can get stuff done in the morning.

I love lifting weights 'cause bench pressing makes you feel super powerful even when you are just bench pressing the bar. While not lifting weights, I enjoy walking and dancing--zumba.

I wanted to do choreography for a while. I blame N'Sync. Also, I am not the greatest coordinated dancer.

I've always wanted to learn how to weld. I think one of the things that made me most depressed about moving to North Carolina was learning that they didn't have a welding class at my new high school, and by the time I got to my third high school, I ended up taking classes that I was comfortable with except for AP-Stats which was the biggest mistake ever.

I loved wearing overalls all the time, and now I love wearing skirts all the time except in Canadian winters.

I know crocs are the ugliest shoes out there, but I love how comfortable they are.

I dislike the story "The Hunger Games" more "Twilight".  

If there is anything I'd like to change about myself it would be to not quit and/or lash out so readily when I get discouraged and frustrated with a project, etc. I think I've noticed that I just give up because I want to be perfect, and I think I need to be perfect immediately or else. I think my new goal is to be patient with myself.

I love organizing. I considered becoming a professional organizer until I saw the show Hoarders: buried alive. Some of house scared me too much. I think I'll just stick to organizing my house really well.

I have a love/hate relationship with video games. My problem falls under the desire to not look like a n00b next to my husband, who has been playing video games since he was about 4 years old.

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