Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tycho at 7 months

Oh yeah... I have a blog... I've been busy with a baby and reading numrous and enjoying the holidays with my family.

Well, I'll just start by bragging about my awesome baby.  He's amazing. I worried and worried about going to California with him, but he was a champion traveler and a joy to be around. We were surprised the day after we arrived that he had teeth. Teething AND traveling?! No fussing...okay minor fussing. But who wouldn't get bored, cranky, and fussy on a four-hour flight after getting up at 4 a.m.?

  Happy baby with new teeth...I was trying to get a picture of his teeth that just popped in. Unfortunately, they just wanted to stay hidden. He just has two bottom teeth for now.

Anyway, about Tycho:

He wants to walk. Crawling doesn't interest him at much, but he can hold up his body while on hands and knees now.  So Greg and I walk him around. Our poor backs... This little guy started pulling himself up to standing position a few weeks ago. Of course he needs a bit of help getting there. Greg kept telling me he was pulling himself up, and I was getting frustrated because I hadn't witnessed this the first several times he did it. But he does it all the time now.

He doesn't like rolling over that much or being on his back any more. He acts like it's the worst thing ever to roll over even though he knows how to do it.

He loves food now. He started solids at six months,  but for the first month or so, he grimaced at everything he tasted. I laughed so many times at his surprised, disappointed face.  Now he's actually happy to be eating. We are doing the baby-led weaning approach to solids because feeding him pureed food is impossible. He is an independent little guy. He wants to hold everything himself. I'm okay with this. I figure he'll eat til he's full or bored, and I don't have to sit around playing airplane. So we've just focused mainly on fruits and vegetables. And meat.

He didn't like taking a bath in a new place which seemed strange. So for the first few times he took a bath at his grandma's house, he was upset. But after talking through it, he got used to taking baths again. That was the only struggle we really had with traveling. And then he didn't want to bathe at our house, but I've found that explaining his next activity and talking him through the process, he actually doesn't mind or isn't nervous/anxious.

He loves eating paper... I'm pretty sure it's his favorite thing to chew on. The last few times we have been to the doctor's office, he has tried sticking the paper that's on the exam table in his mouth. It rips too easily, guys. The day after Christmas, I found wrapping paper in his diaper even though I tried to keep that out of his mouth....

He's a friendly, happy baby. He doesn't like being alone for long. I feel like I have to say, "I'll be right back in a minute, Tycho!" all the time just so he'll stay calm because sometimes I need to grab something from downstairs, but I don't want to take Tycho with me. Climbing up and down stairs with a baby gets tiring.

He likes to play with whatever is in my hands. He'll take it away, too. For instance, I wanted to write in my journal while he played with his toys. So he wanted my pen and then my journal. That's how we play.

He likes giving kisses, although this doesn't happen as often any more. They are usually open mouth with his hands pulling at your hair kind of kisses. It's darling until his hands get caught in your hair.

He still falls asleep on his side. That used to worry me when he was a newborn, but not any more. He'll eventually roll over onto his back at night.

He's starting to fit in 9-month sized clothes quite nicely. I can't believe how big he is now! He's 19 lbs and like 27 inches tall.

He received his baby blessing on 6  December from his daddy. It was beautiful although I started laughing a little because he started getting upset which distracted Greg.  Apparently Tycho didn't like being bounced around. The weird part was when one of the stake presidency members joined in the circle, uninvited, and stood next to Greg. Anyway, his blessing was very special and I'm glad we had family around to be a part of it.

Alright. Pictures to prove how cute he is.

Had to take this off two minutes because he got poop on the back, but he liked super cute in it.

enjoying the sunshine in jammies

Playing with Christmas toys

Trying an orange.

I don't like this!

feeling much better because of medicine. See the teeth?
I really did try purees! But he likes trying to feed himself. He liked his red pepper and meatball at this meal. 

trying to walk with daddy

Well, that's it for now. Hopefully I'll do a better job keeping this blog updated.  



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