Thursday, May 26, 2016

Tycho at 1 year old

I haven't been good about updating y'all on Tycho, but that's because I have been writing it down elsewhere. Also, I don't enjoy typing on a tablet and my laptop is failing miserably, so those are my poor excuses.

So Tycho at a year has been fun and challenging in new ways. He started walking about 11.5 months, and since then he's getting into everything. The water heater is right inside of our laundry room and every time I go into the laundry room, Tycho wants to follow me so he can touch the water heater or the other countless things. The other day, I realize he had changed the temperature of the water because the water was incredibly hot later on (yum warm drinking water).

Oh and now that Tycho can crawl or walk around, he follows me. Cute, eh?

He's always on the move, and when he isn't, I try to change his diaper, thinking, "oh perfect, he's still", but noooo. Sometimes he'll purposely sit down after his diaper has been removed so I can't put a new one on. Changing poopy diapers has become my least favorite task because Tycho will roll over and sit up or start grabbing his poop-covered penis, and I recently started enlisting Greg's help when I can.

He's also a sweet baby boy and will cuddle with mom and dad still. I love it.

He's interested in people and other children his size, and he'll try to play with them (I mean, get into their personal space), but he doesn't care to be held by other adults.

He loves food still. Although, he doesn't like his vegetables all the time.  He likes to put non-food items in his mouth all the time. Wood bark, dirt, stuff-I've-swept-up-into-a-pile-but-haven't-thrown-out-yet, cardboard, etc.

He has said 'mama' once in my presence when he was nine months old, and I guess he has said 'ma ma ma' to Greg when I had to work. He has been able to say 'dada', 'gaga,' 'baba', and 'Greg' which sometimes sounds like 'egg'. Right now, he's on a 'gaga' kick.   My favorite is when you ask him a qiestion, and he shales his head yes or no. Usually he shakes his head no. He can sign for "all done", and I have to say that took forever. I'm still working on getting him to sign, but it's hard being consistent and getting him to watch.      

Tycho has eight teeth. The last two teeth have come in one at a time. (Huzzah! The six previous teeth came two at a time= little sleep for me. ) I've been giving Tycho the core of an apple or pear (I get rid of seeds first) which he's likes to chew on because it's cold and sweet. He also chews and chews on his books.

He loves balls. We play pass the football/basketball all the time, and he'll play with the soccerballs the kids leave on the playground.

He also likes trying to open and close things like doors/cupboard doors or a yogurt container I gave to him to play with.

He's been interested in climbing onto stuff now that he's had lots of experience climbing steps on the playground.

So Tycho sleeps for four-hour chunks at night which is so much better than the two-hour chunks from before! Yeah I know I didn't do sleep training, and I'm missing out, but I guess that was my fault for looking into having a natural birth (which I didn't get) instead of childrearing tips.

He's still nursing which I like but don't like sometimes... I haven't decided when I'm going to stop nursing him, but we'll get there when we get there.

Pictures or it didn't happen:
                        Tycho helping daddy play video games.
          He looks a lot like his daddy here. He decided to shut me out of the bathroom. Little stinker was fighting sleep.

 He was watching the kids play while I was making dinner. Poor Tycho had to stay inside. 

I have the bouncer chair set up for another baby I watch, and Tycho has been really interested in playing with it. Greg thinks it's cute he wants to be a little baby again.

Sleepy Tycho. I love the way he sleeps. He likes to kick the blanket(s) off his legs and keep it around his middle. Silly kid.  


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