Thursday, April 20, 2017

Weird Pregnancy Question

Why do people always ask how you are feeling when you're pregnant?  But not at any other time during your life?  I feel like it's the oddest question to receive.  What do you want me to say? Pregnancy sucks.  That I'm fine--nothing about pregnancy bothers me.  And I always feel like it comes at the wrong point in pregnancy.  Talk to me during the first trimester, and I will tell you all the feelings.

I guess this thought comes from the fact that I am carrying a child with a heart abnormality which kind of sucks.  And I know people don't realize that they are asking me a dumb question.  I know they mean well, but I know they aren't asking about my baby with a heart abnormality.  

So how do I honestly feel? Alone.  Stressed out and scared for my baby.  Nervous about how he'll adjust to being outside of the womb.  Annoyed by trips to a hospital that's an hour away with appointments that take forever and end up during Tycho's nap time...*sigh* like I do well with nap time anyway.  Frustrated with the lack of control over my life.  

Otherwise, my pregnancy is going well.  Thanks for asking.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Just because I'm pregnant, doesn't mean I'm an invalid

I know some of my posts have become rants lately.  I apologize.

The title of this post says it all.  I may be pregnant, but it doesn't mean that I am unable to do stuff.  If I was, I'd ask for help or say something.  But when I want to do something myself, I will do that said thing.  When I was in second grade, I broke my arm falling off the monkey bars. I got up on my own, and walked over to the teacher on duty and said, "I think I broke my arm," as I held up my clearly bent wrist.  I wished so much I have that ability to do that in more cases, but I can't.  Another time, I was getting blood work done to see if I was iron-efficient.  They did the little finger prick, but when the blood wasn't flowing, the nurse asked to see if I could help by pressing on my finger.  As I did, I realized I was going to throw up, and I ran out of the room.  I know my limits.  

Guys, I'm not saying I want to work out in rice fields every day and eventually go into labor as I'm working out in the fields like O-Lan from the book The Good Earth, but I don't want to be like the woman from the short story The Yellow Wallpaper (yes, I know that this story takes place AFTER she gives birth, but same point), and not be able to lift a damned finger.  

Today while seven months pregnant, I moved several pieces of furniture in my son's room (dresser, book case, and chair).  I've asked for help in moving other pieces of furniture in his room because I know I can't do it.