Saturday, November 9, 2013

So you've been married for 4 years, and you don't have kids?

In case you really wanted to know...
     Ever since I first got married, I was so ready to have kids.  I've always wanted to be a mom.  Greg and I have always wanted to have kids.  But as we were both in school for the first several years of our marriage, we  Greg thought it would be best to wait until at least I graduated.  Okay, most of the time I agreed with him.  Living in Utah was kind of hard for me.  EVERYONE has kids, and the pressure to have them is like the pressure for the unmarried to marry (okay, not everyone, but plenty of people my age have kids to create some pressure).  However, I don't think Greg was ready to have kids, and honestly, I don't think I was necessarily ready to take on another role at that time.  Most importantly, I wanted and still want to have that okay from Heavenly Father (and Greg).  I mean, I want direction about one of the most important roles we can fulfill.

     Lately, I have been nagging, I mean, asking my Heavenly Father about kids in concordance with money, time, etc. again and again (you know, to see if He'll change his mind or to really be sure this is the correct information).  Today, I had the fortune of going to the temple with Greg and a friend in our ward.  It was  a last minute plan, but I can't tell you how thrilled I was to have the chance to go especially since it has been several months since I've been.  As we prayed in the session, I silently asked if I should try for kids this month.  I had a stupor of thought (which as most of you know means no) followed with a "Not yet."

   I was disappointed with the answer so much that I stumbled through my way through the rest of the session.  But when I entered the celestial room, and I saw Greg waiting there, I felt a very peaceful feeling with a comforting assurance that everything was going to work out.  And I've had other revealing thoughts from the Lord, but I want to keep those private for now.  At this point, I know that Heavenly Father does speak to us still today, and that He is looking out for us.    

  So, there you have it.  We don't have kids yet, but things will work out.

יהיה טוב

1 comment:

  1. The Lord really does have a plan for all of us. Don't lose faith, just keep plugging forward. Sorry you didn't get the news you were hoping for! Miss you.
