Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Books and Music

I live about a kilometer from the public library, and I love it.  I should say, this has been a good thing because I have been reading so much lately!  I wanted to take a few moments to share with you some of latest reads because I love recommending books.

Jane of Lantern Hill by L.M. Montgomery
(Go here for more information.)

I loved this book a lot, but I dislike the grandmother so much because she is so controlling and so unloving that sometimes my dislike for the grandmother overshadows my love for this book (okay, maybe she does care, but she has a strange way of showing it!).  I love reading about Jane, though, because over time she blossoms into this confident and strong girl.  She is a leader in her family like her grandmother, but unlike her grandmother she is also kind.  I also love that this story shows how fathers play an important role in their children's lives.  I've recently read a few other stories with strong women/girls in the stories, and I recommend these titles as well: Green Willow, Little Women, and Moon Over Manifest.    

Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler, MPH
(Go here to buy it off Amazon.)

I recommend this book to every woman out there because it is such an insightful book!  I want to buy it so badly some day because of all the wonderful and beautiful wisdom it has.  I wanted to read this for a couple of reasons.  Lately, I've wanted to track my menstrual cycle better because I want to have kids someday, and I wanted to be more aware of what is happening to my body.  So, I looked around online for things I should do, etc..  However, I never understood why I should do these things when I read about them, and this book finally gave me all the information I needed to know.  This book teaches the fertility awareness method or FAM as a way to prevent or create children or just be in charge of your fertility as the title says.  I love this method because as the author says both the husband and wife can work together whereas in other birth control methods the women has to be the responsible 'gatekeeper'. I also feel so impressed with the human body now!!
Go read it now!!!

The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
(Go here.)

This is another book I want to buy because some of the solutions to negative feelings were wonderful yet practical.  Many of the solutions come from reading specific scriptures or praying to Heavenly Father.  I loved this book because I honestly felt confident that I could be a more positive person in my daily life. Maybe supplemental reading?    

I've also picked up a few CD's from the library because I don't have access to a number of sites like Pandora.

I love classical music, but I've found I prefer listening to the cello and violin.  (In another life, I'd be a cellist.)
So when you need some moving music, I recommend both of these soundtracks: "Schindler's List" and "The Last of the Mohicans".  Also, Yo-Yo Ma has a beautiful collection of cello music.

I've also listened to a lot of Alison Krauss and Union Station because I love Alison's voice and blue grass music.  However, I can only take so much of her music because most of the time their music is SO depressing.  For example, go listen to "Ghost in this House."

What have you been reading lately?  Any song  recommendations?


1 comment:

  1. I love the Piano Guys (lots of their stuff is on their youtube channel) and Steven Sharp Nelson, who is a cellist (and one of the piano guys). He has a marvelous solo Christmas album and plenty more great tunes available. Check out his performance of Adele's Rolling in the Deep with or without the vocal accompaniment on the Piano Guys station.
