Monday, January 13, 2014


    The first Sunday of this month, the Relief Society in my ward gathered all the women together to have a lesson on visiting teaching.  Initially, I was excited to hear what the lesson was about.  I wanted to hear what the presidency had prepared, but then I saw the questions on the chalk board, and I lost interest.  I actually really like visiting teaching, and I've had wonderful experiences visiting teaching, but I felt like this lesson was going to be another slap on the wrist, and I didn't want to stick around for it.  So, I folded my arms, sighed a lot, and pretty much showed off how bored I was.  At one point I "went to the bathroom" because I was falling asleep.  I told myself a couple of times that this behavior wasn't nice, and that I couldn't I even learn anything with my total rejection of the lesson.  I thought Greg was lucky because he got to stay in primary and have lots of fun with the kids... 

  When I returned home, I thought about my behavior and my actions.  I was most certainly acting like a baby.  I was pouting and rude towards the presidency.  I thought about those who taught the lesson.   Perhaps this wasn't the subject they care to teach/talk about with all the women in the ward, but they were most likely inspired to do so.  All of the members of the presidency took turns to present--they were unified in teaching the lesson for us.  I doubt the leaders in our church want to chastise/remind everyone to do their visiting teaching, but I am sure they recognized that there was a need for the women to hear this lesson.  

  I didn't want to hear this lesson because I was being prideful.  I actually rejected the message before receiving it.  I thought I was a decent visiting teacher who at least tried to contact her sisters and visited them more often than not.  I know I can improve in that regard. But I am more disappointed in the fact that I went to church, but refused to learn.  I mean, one the main purpose of my going to church is to learn of Christ with the aide of the Holy Spirit!  How can I be open to promptings if I'm not willing to listen to the lesson?  

  I'm sure we've all had these revelations before, but for me these thoughts were a slap in the face.  I hope if I am ever invited back to Relief Society for another lesson that I will listen and care, and that I will feel inspired because that's one of the reasons why I go to church.  

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