Saturday, January 4, 2014

My quest to give up sugar

Yes, I want to give up white, refined sugar, and no this isn't a resolution I made four days ago.  But it has been a process I've been going through since this last summer.

Let me first say, I agree; I am crazy for doing this especially since I like sugary things.  I remember the first couple of nights after giving up sugar dreaming of cinnamon rolls and other wonderful treats.  This has been a very rocky road.  But I have a couple of reasons why I wanted to give up sugar.  First, I recently learned that I have three grandparents with Type-2 Diabetes.  I recognize Type-2 diabetes isn't genetic, but it is a wake up call for me since I do share their genetics.  I also recognize that white sugar isn't the only thing that causes Type-2 diabetes, but I figure that giving up white sugar cuts out a lot of junk food from my diet.

The second reason I want to give up white, refined sugar is sugar makes me feel terrible in a few ways.  The first thing I've noticed when I go long periods without having white sugar that my teeth hurt after eating candy or even a homemade cookie made with refined sugar.  If I have a sweet in the afternoon, I feel exhausted in the evening.  I am way more emotional/crabby after eating sugary items.  I'm sure there are plenty of other side effects from sugar, but these are the three effects I have notice whenever I have sugar.  I hate having these side effects from white, refined sugar.

I'll allow myself to consume of other sweeteners such as pure maple syrup, honey, and sucanat (dehydrated cane sugar juice) which haven't given me similar side effects as white, refined sugar.

I'll allow myself to consume sweets with refined sugar a couple of times a month at most.

I want to focus on eating more fruits as well.

I also want to make my own breads to avoid consuming HFCS (a.k.a. glucose-fructose).

I want to feel healthier and be healthier.  Giving up white, refined sugar isn't a temporary thing, but rather white refined sugar is something I want to remove out of my diet.

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