Thursday, March 5, 2015

28 weeks!

     I attended a prenatal class a couple of weeks ago where we discussed the signs and symptoms of each stage of labor and then viewed a video on labor.  I, along with a few other ladies, were just asking ourselves "Why did I get pregnant?!  I don't want to push a baby out of me!!" But I know that going through the labor will be so worth it. I can't tell you how excited I am to be in the third trimester of pregnancy now!  I can't wait to meet this little guy!

   Lately, I've been trying to accomplish a number of things before he comes, so I've been reading a ton and making plans to start and finish projects like this (I love the colors this lady uses in her projects!).  I have plans to finish Atlas Shrugged (I'm having second thoughts about this book), The Three Musketeers, and Jesus the Christ, and I am super grateful for a kindle and free books so I don't have to run to the library in this yucky weather!

   Physically, I have been doing well.  They say exercise is good for your body, but I have to say that exercise is doubly good for the pregnant body!  I have never had pain in tail bone area before pregnancy, but now I know that it is extremely unpleasant to not be comfortable standing, sitting, etc..  I have visited a chiropractor twice to get adjustments and advice on what to do specifically for this pain.  So I have to do a few specific stretches, and exercise regularly.  I have found that zumba videos on Youtube to be extremely helpful so I can exercise at home (my favorites are by Hot Z Team).  I also got a resistance band to help strengthen my muscles as well.

  I don't know what it is about food cravings, but people always ask what cravings I've had lately.  I can honestly say that I haven't had too many cravings that are extreme like pickles and ice cream.  I craved peanut butter for a while.  For instance, when strawberries were on sale for Valentine's day, I made several peanut butter and strawberry sliced sandwiches, and I loved chocolate banana peanut butter shakes.  I looked forward to eating salad the other day probably because I got some grape tomatoes and San Marino salad mix which I  don't buy very often.  That salad was incredibly satisfying.  I love fruit, and I also find my two pancakes with applesauce and eggs for breakfast delicious (I got so tired of toast because that's what I ate when I had morning sickness!).

  I am in love with watching my belly move.  I know it sounds weird, but I think seeing and feeling the baby move around inside of me is incredible (I know the movements will be more intense, but for now, I'll enjoy them).  When I went and saw my midwife last time, I asked how the baby was positioned.  Apparently, he's vertical (I'm not sure if he is bottom up or down), and I'm not sure how often that changes, but I thought he was lying horizontally because one night, I could feel him stretching against both sides of my abdomen.  It was one of the strangest feelings ever.  All I know is this little guy loves to move, and I am sure he will have lots of energy once he's born.

   I have a lot of gratitude for this baby.  I know that he is coming into our lives at a perfect time, and he is loved and welcomed by our family.  My grandfather isn't doing well as he has stomach cancer that doctors can't do much help him with.  Having this expected baby has really helped my grandparents by giving them something else to think about.  My Nana talks about the sewing projects she has worked on, and I think knowing my grandpa has a great-grandbaby on the way has helped him.  This is obviously really difficult for my family and me, but it does make life feel so much sweeter and precious.  This does make me appreciate families and the doctrine of eternal families taught by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  

  Anyway, I hope all is going well for you!

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