Wednesday, January 21, 2015


  I came across these two pictures while I was organizing and de-cluttering my house yesterday.  Both pictures feature my grandmothers with babies.

My sister looks over at the photographer while my Grandma Packwood sits serenely with her.  I love this picture.  I love the peace about my grandmother's face.  The world moves on, but here, my grandmother sits quietly, content with a baby.

Sorry these pictures aren't the best quality!  

My mother lies peacefully in my Nana's arms.  I love the mischievous smile on my grandmother's lips.  I love this picture! I love that even though she is a mother, she is still herself.  The world moves on, but here my grandmother laughs and giggles, content with a baby.
I also love my Nana's hair and glasses in this picture!

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