Wednesday, January 21, 2015

22 Weeks

    Last night was exciting for me... well in relation to my pregnancy things have been really exciting for me lately.

   Last Wednesday, I saw my midwife and had a prenatal class as a part of appointment.  I received my results back from my latest ultrasound as well as my IPS screening.  Baby looks great and everything looks normal.  I'm glad I don't have to worry about potential problems or concerns as far as tubal defects or down syndrome.  Once again baby was not very cooperative when my midwife went to search for the heartbeat!  He kept moving around for several minutes, but it was nice to know that he is very active.  The prenatal class just made me laugh a little bit for a couple reasons.  I mean, it was kind of ironic that we were all shy in our discussion of discomforts.  A woman came in and gave some really great demonstrations on exercise and relaxation tips for pregnant women, but her tips for sleeping comfortably weren't very practical to me.  Essentially, you surround yourself in a nest of four pillows.  I kept thinking, "How do you do that when you have a smaller bed?  Or what if you move around a lot?"  Anyway, I enjoyed meeting with my midwife, but not so much the class.  Hopefully the next class on emotional changes will be more interesting.

   Saturday was a big day for us because we got a lot of baby items.  In the morning, I went to the store Once Upon A Child with a good friend who is due with her second baby a week before me.  She was much better at rolling clothes and stuffing them in her clearance bag than I was!  But I was happy with everything I got, and I was okay with not getting as many items as she got because I knew I would be receiving things from family and friends later on.  I just feel blessed to know that I could buy clothes for my kiddo(s) for a really good price later on.
   Later on Saturday, Greg and I went to an accounting professor's house for more goodies.  When Greg told me that this professor had some baby items, I thought it was just clothes and a baby bath, and I was incredibly excited about this.  No, we received more than that from this lovely person we barely know!  The number of items we got filled our car to the brim!  I am so impressed by the generosity of this person, and I hope that some day I can learn to be more generous to people around me.

   So my last exciting item of this post took place last night as I mentioned before.  Greg went to bed late, and kind of woke me up, but it was fine, I guess, since I had to use the bathroom anyway.  When I crawled back into bed, I could feel the baby actively move around.  Previously, when I would go to feel my belly with my hands after I had felt him move around, he would kind of stop.  (Thanks a lot!) But last night, he was letting me feel him move.  So I grabbed Greg's hand even though he was so tired, and I got to share the baby with him for the first time in this way.  To me, the moment was special because I have felt baby move around for a few weeks, but the baby's movements were much stronger to finally share with Greg.      

Clothes and activity mat we received from the angel professor. 

Clothes I bought from the store.  I got 22 items, I believe!  

The car seat we received also came with strollers!

A bath tub with lots of soaps that we also given to us! We also received two exersaucers (we have multiple floors, so it'll be nice to put baby down somewhere), a nursing pillow, a few toys, and some bottles (I plan on breastfeeding, but I may need to pump as well later on).


  1. I'm glad I got to see your Once Upon a Child haul. How awesome that you have gotten so much stuff already! I'm glad you have friends up in Canada who are looking out for you.

    1. Yeah I meant to share a picture of my haul from Once Upon a Child sooner, but it didn't happen. Moving up here was hard for me, but I feel so blessed with all the support we've received from the people up here!

  2. Wow-- that was so sweet of her! That puts you way ahead of the game to be ready for the little feller!

    1. I totally agree! I'm sending Greg with a thank-you card and loaf of banana bread to campus today so he can give them to her!
