Friday, January 9, 2015

Pregnancy update- 20 weeks

   I figure I should occasionally update people with how things are going with my pregnancy partially to satisfy curiosity and partially to help me remember this pregnancy.

     First of all, I have enjoyed this second trimester so much more than the first trimester.  I love being able to eat normally again!  It has taken a while for me to want to eat certain foods that made me sick in the first trimester, but man, it tastes like sweet, sweet victory being able to enjoy food again.  I was worried initially when I got into the second trimester that I would continue to have morning sickness because I had a horrible migraine shortly after entering the second trimester that caused me to vomit five times within like a 12-hour period, but fortunately, my body and baby love me.  After taking Tylenol on a couple of separate occasions and having the same reaction (vomiting), I guess I've learned that I can't handle Tylenol while pregnant, though.  I haven't had impressive cravings for anything in particular although I feel like I could always return south and eat burritos for several days.  
      While eating habits have improved, I have tried to improve my exercising habits.  My first trimester got me out of the habit of exercising regularly because I was exhausted and or felt sick quite often. Winter is a difficult time to improve this havit with the lovely below freezing temperatures, though, so I've been trying to do some exercises inside.  It's a good thing my job requires me to be on my feet and walk around, so I at least get some exercise in.  I've also tried to keep a food diary just to help me see what I'm eating every day.  While I don't have calories tracked, I do get to see that I am getting the nutrients I need and that I am not eating excessively, etc.
     The pictures below were taken at the beginning of my fifth month of pregnancy, and I did have to try a little to make that belly show... now I don't have to try anymore. Haha! When I went to my midwife appointment last month, I learned that I haven't gained weight with this pregnancy, but since the holidays took place and I'm further a long, I'm sure I may have gained  a few pounds.  My belly has definitely rounded out lately, and now I desperately need to buy some pants that I can actually button up soon!
It was snowing when we took this picture!  Greg didn't want to smile after taking off his coat... 
I love my handsome husband. 

     Greg and I are definitely thrilled about this pregnancy now that we've gotten over some of the initial shock. Although, sometimes the emotions I experienced when I saw the pregnancy test read positive are still the same: happy for potentially having a cute newborn, excited to become a parent, and completely terrified at the prospect of becoming a parent.  While we look forward to parenthood, I sometimes ask myself, "Is this all really happening because I feel like things aren't really happening?"  If it weren't for the occasional movements I have felt from the baby for the past couple of weeks, I think I would still question whether we were becoming parents in May.

  Now that I know for sure we are having a boy, I just feel like I can prepare a little bit more.  I've definitely prayed for guidance for raising a boy and I can be a good mom for him.  Like lots of expectant parents, I have also thought quite a bit about what kind of man he'll grow up to be.  I have felt empowered becoming an expectant parent by the idea that I can always rely on Heavenly Father for help.

Anyway, I'm excited to be half way through pregnancy!  It has definitely flown by so quickly!  

1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures of you guys! And, it is really hard to exercise in the winter. And I don't even live in Canada.
