Wednesday, April 8, 2015

33 Weeks

   As much as I have enjoyed being pregnant, I am excited that I am roughly two months away from holding my baby boy in my arms.

  I actually have enjoyed being pregnant.  The pregnancy experience is new to me, of course, and I might discuss the changes to my body like overheating (Greg is not allowed to touch the thermostat any more or close the windows I've opened unless he wants me to yell at him), occasional back pain, how my shirt and non-maternity pants (i.e. sweatpants and pajama pants) don't meet in the front unless I pull up my pants to my belly button, being unable to use my abdominal muscles, and not sleeping well (Hello pelvic bone and tail bone, y'all are my new frienemies as of late. And my middle-of-the-night trips to the bathroom have actually become a ritual.), but overall, I enjoy being pregnant.  These changes are to be expected, right? I will just take them in stride.    

  *As a side note, one thing I've never knew about pregnancy is that your belly button actually can become smaller.  I had heard that innies become outies, but I didn't make the connection that the space of the belly button decreases.  Anyway, I find the new, much smaller belly button size strange.

 **One thing I kept hearing is how the baby will become more active when you lie down.  This isn't necessarily true for me.  I have felt that this baby is more active when I get up and walk around.  For instance, while I was out shopping yesterday, I couldn't help but notice he wouldn't stop wiggling around for quite a while. 

  Cravings: All I want to eat right now is bananas, grapes, apples, strawberries cut up into yogurt, cheese, and tuna casserole with broccoli.  I found an excellent tuna casserole recipe here, and I made it a couple of weeks ago.  I am making it again later this week even though Greg didn't love it as much as I did.  I'll eat pretty much anything, but the listed foods are what I really want right now.  I could go on and on about delicious foods...

  At a prenatal appointment a few weeks ago, I learned that baby boy is head done.  (Huzzah!!  My baby is awesome.)  The more I keep thinking about this, I wonder if he feels like he's doing a head stand or something??  I know that his body is hanging out on my right side, and that I will generally feels lots of kicking and more arm movements on my left side.

  I've recently started looking into Hypnobabies/hypnobirthing...  I know you think I'm a hippy now.  But to be fair, I am just trying to have good experiences with pregnancy and labor.  Is that too much to ask for??  In some ways the book HypnoBirthing: The Mongan Method is a bit weird/strange to me, but I do like some of the relaxation and visualization techniques mentioned.  I know having positive thoughts versus doubts in any situation can make a difference, and I want to be prepared mentally and physically for birth. Hypnobirthing is just a tool to help me prepare mentally.  Ideally, I want to have a natural birth in a hospital and I am hoping for that, but really, I just want to be able to say "whatever happens, happens".  If circumstances change and I need to have help with labor, then I am all up for help.

   Anyway, I hope you enjoyed some of my insights to my pregnancy.



  1. I've heard hypno-babies is great. Being able to relax and feel empowered is important in birth, however the baby eventually comes out. So you are planning on doing a drug-free birth? You go girl!

    1. I guess a part of wanting to have a natural birth is that I don't like the idea of interference of drugs. I've essentially had to learn how to be pretty much drug-free this entire pregnancy since I can't handle Tylenol, and I've learned to manage the pain of headaches, etc. The other part is that I really want to give myself the chance to experience a natural birth.
