Thursday, July 23, 2015

6 weeks

Tycho looks like me here, but I think he resembles Greg.

Tummy time with daddy (this outfit hardly fits him now :( ).

father's day

Makin' cute faces at daddy

I wish I had a picture of Tycho going home from the hospital, but this is the cute outfit he wore. Now he actually fits it better.

Sleepy baby in a blanket my Nana made before she knew I was having a boy...but I love the color combination so there.
I can't believe I've been a mama for over a month now! Time flies so quickly. It truly feels like yesterday since we brought our son home. Sometimes I forget momentarily when I am alone and Greg is with Tycho in another room. "Oh yeah, I have a baby..." (If you notice typos, I apologize; typing on a tablet is hard, but it's easier to hold than a laptop when I have a sleeping baby in my lap. Also, blogger decided to put pictures in the wrong place, and I've been working on this post for too long to care about nitty gritty details like that especially while working on a blasted tablet. )
                                            About Tycho
So thus far Tycho has been eating like a champ, and weighed 11 lbs, 10 oz. when we took him into the midwive's office last week. I am quite pleased to hear that breastfeeding is going well. He is 24 inches, and his head measures 50 cm... if that means anything to you. All I know is Tycho has a nice bald line across the back of his head now.

He has a nice grip now--I now need to keep the hair pulled back so he won't grab unto it all the time. But I think it's cute when he grabs unto my shirt while eating.

Tycho has started to babble or coo when he's happy (usually after he poops/diaper change).

He enjoys tummy time and play time so much. The activity mat is a great toy. When he's hanging out on us and looking over our shoulder, he'll show off his neck muscles and push off our body with his strong arms.

Sometimes he'll start to chew on my shirt or shoulder when he wants to eat.  He's pretty cute.

Somehow Tycho manages to get lint stuck to his fingers, and stuff under his nails. Crazy kid. Although, I think he gets stuff under his nails when he grates his finger nails across the sheet at night. Creepy!

He gets hiccups a lot, and I think it's a sign from lack of good burping and waking up when he's still fatigued?? I don't know. I just know that grunting starts it.

Methinks he's starting to get cradle cap (ew).

He likes to walk (I mean hang out in our arms) around the play ground in our back yard as our nightly routine.

Tycho has also started to smile at us. Hooray! This also usually takes place around the time he poops...

Tycho loves to sleep on his side. It drives me crazy sometimes especially when I think of SIDS. He has started to sleep on his back more frequently, but he flails so much more and wakes easily, so we have had to learn to swaddle...yeah I didn't swaddle foe a while because it's so hot in our room in the summer plus I suck at swaddling/didn't know any better...I thought the sleep sack would be sufficient. But now it's kind of late for a good swaddle without flailing arms because he likes his hands free.

                                     Things I have learned:
  As a new mom, I kind of wish I had known things concerning naps and sleep, etc. I don't necessarily have a schedule for Tycho, but man, I wish I had placed some kind of regular, yet flexible routine at the beginning.  Not just for his sake, but for mine (so selfish,  I know). Now trying to find some kind of lifestyle I can manage is hard since we didn't establish something early on. Yay for fixing something late in the game!!! I already feel like a failure parent because I let Tycho fall asleep in my lap, but this way I know he will actually sleep. Now I just get so antsy to do things all the time, but since Tycho doesn't sleep well on his own for very long (less than an hour). it's hard and we're working on that.  Sigh.

Parenting has a steep learning curve and I find myself trying to keep up. So much mommy guilt already, too.
 Changing diapers wasn't so terrible initially. It was only until my milk came in that we had problems. I can't count how many times we had to change Tycho into dry clothes because he peed all over. All I have to say is now I've learned to make sure the penis is pointed down! And to untuck the diaper leg holes, and that certain brands are better than others. (I didn't realize that diapers were not supposed to allow poop to constantly get through the leg holes, but now I know better, and it was seriously driving me crazy...silly sleep-deprived me I just assumed this would be the life from now on.)

 Some people enjoy their early morning run; others, coffee, but Tycho likes his early morning poop. Tmi? Yes... it means that I have to really wake up. I guess his smiles are worth the 5 or 6 a.m. wake call...

I can make a guess as to what time it is at night and early mornings on clear days based in the sun's location now...

Babies are noisy sleepers! Seriously I understand why some would keep baby in their own room at night even at the beginning...

I love hearing Greg talking to Tycho especially when I'm in another room. His voice is so soothing and sweet. Greg is a good daddy. And he is so patient with Tycho even during Tycho's crying spells (I'm still learning patience and long-suffering).

I didn't realize babies aren't born with eye lashes. Weird, eh?

Breastfeeding makes you hungty. I often find myself eating or snacking when Tycho eats.

Two days old and getting ready for his first bath since the hospital didn't feel it was necessary to get blood and gunk out of his hair.

so relaxed, I think...I think he just tolerates a bath

Anyway, that's what going on with us. We love our sweet, happy baby. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay! You are doing amazing! No need for mommy guilt! :D
